
The share capital is increased by HKN 89,045,600, added to the amount of HKN 80,141,200 equalizing to the amount of HKN 169,186,800, cash payments, issuing 200,353 new shares with a nominal value of HKN 400.


The Official Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange included a new stock, Luka Ploče. These shares had thus far been traded on a less demanding, Regular Market. Luka Ploče’s contract of inclusion was signed by the head of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, Ivan Gažić, and Ivan Pavlović, president of the Management Board.


Luka Ploče d.d. entered into an agreement purchasing STS container cranes. The hoisting is 46 meters long and has a reloading capacity of 30 containers per hour.


By purchasing the STS container crane Luka Ploče d.d. performs the contractual obligations, for the Contract of Concession, prior to the agreed deadline.